Janice Rutherford

Second District Supervisor
County of San Bernardino
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Janice’s passion for community service started when her Girl Scout troop did watershed clean-ups and worked with children with developmental delays. By high school, she was organizing fellow students to lobby the legislature for education funding, and in college, she worked for a local Assemblyman on alternative fuel vehicles and other transportation technologies.
After grad school, she continued working for the legislature while helping her late husband operate a store at Disneyland and run summer musical theater programs for high school students.
Volunteering with the local Boys & Girls Club and organizing her church’s community service projects led Janice to seek a seat on the Fontana City Council where she served ten years, overseeing a doubling of the city’s size and the creation of the successful Community Assistance Program.
She married Steve Lim in 2005 and they have been blessed with two sons: Ethan, now a middle schooler who enjoys band, and Noah, 9, who loves soccer.
In 2010 she was elected to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors where she has focused on improving transparency and ethics, guiding the county’s pension system, and balancing economic opportunity with responsible environmental stewardship.