Jordan Poverty Q5

I can say from my perspective and from the perspective of my organization that we believe working to reduce wasteful spending on ineffective prisons and reallocating those dollars back into communities is certainly a key to ensuring communities are healthy and thriving. For far too long, mass incarceration has had a socially and economically destabilizing impact, in large part by robbing resources from communities that needed them most and pouring them into jails and prisons that did little, if anything, to make us safe. By working with Californians from all walks of life to replace prison and justice system waste with common sense solutions that create safe neighborhoods and save public dollars, we are helping to reform systems that have kept people mired in poverty for generations.
Now is the time for us to continue to press forward. California has been a national leader on reducing incarceration and redirecting the justice system so it more effectively focuses on prevention. It is imperative that the non-profit community in Southern California and across the state come together to keep California moving forward.