Kulkarni Poverty Q3

In Southern California, we need much better public schools, universal healthcare and rent control. Local governments should not put additional funding into prisons, juvenile facilities or law enforcement (that conducts racial profiling, widespread surveillance and assists ICE in detaining and deporting immigrants), but should instead pay for proactive measures that Read more…

Foo Poverty Q3

Diversifying and hiring or appointing local community members who understand the impact of their systems on communities in poverty. City councils should appoint diverse planning commission members who understand the impact of permits, future neighborhood developments, the need for affordable housing, etc. Not just appoint those who have given more Read more…

Painter Poverty Q3

City and County governments can also work to reduce structural barriers in the systems that they oversee. They can make investments in transportation and housing infrastructure that allows better access to jobs City and County should not focus on economic development strategies with a narrow focus on increasing sales tax Read more…

McKellogg Poverty Q3

City and County governments can replicate programs like the Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (LA:RISE). LA:RISE is an innovative partnership that unites the City and County of Los Angeles to help people with high employment barriers get jobs, stay employed, and build a better life. LA:RISE connects employment Read more…

Salas Poverty Q3

Measure all policies by whether these policies are helping reduce poverty and increase economic opportunity for those in poverty. County and City governments need to hold themselves accountable to whether or not poverty is being reduced year by year. City and County governments should not abdicate their responsibility and shift Read more…

Bornstein Poverty Q3

Adopt land-use and zoning changes for higher density housing, innovative housing designs and fee waivers for housing affordable to the lowest income residents in their cities. They should not zone the majority of their cities for single-family homes on large lots with minimum house sizes and required design features, like Read more…