Guerra Covid Q3

Residents trust local government more than state or national government. In a survey of 2,000 L.A. County residents conducted in late March and early April by Loyola Marymount University, overwhelming numbers support LA elected officials’ decision to implement stay at home order by 95%. Further, 59% thought local government response to the pandemic was just right and another 30% wanted local governments to do more: 86% of residents supported closing schools for the rest of the academic year; 86% supported taking over hotels to quarantine people; 79% supported closing airports; 79% supported restricting travel within California; and, 69% supported closing down public transportation. This support for local government action was across the board irrespective of geography, race or ethnicity, income levels, education levels and various other characteristics. This broad support include 48% of residents who had been let go or had work hours reduced. Given this broad and overwhelming support, local government, including Counties and Cities should not fail to take up the leadership that the national government has abdicated.