Hernandez Poverty Q6

Philanthropic organizations should continue the great work that they already do and partner with other nonprofits organizations, such as BizFed to multiply their voice with local, state, and federal elected officials, and connect with other philanthropic organization to increase awareness. We also hope the philanthropic community seeks out the business perspective and invites us to the table as they seek solutions.
A large part of our public commitment to reducing poverty in Los Angeles was to remind folks working on poverty that we’re here and can help. Business leaders are often solicited for donations but rarely approached as a thought partner. Of course, businesspeople are mostly focused on keeping their enterprises growing, so poverty alleviation is not usually a focus day today. But poverty is bad for business. Growing businesses are necessary for a functioning economy. A functioning economy solves most of its own problems. Strong businesses with good-paying jobs support philanthropic and government systems to take care of our neighbors who need extra help.
Philanthropic grantors should increase diligence in requiring measurable outcomes for gifts given. We find you get what you inspect not necessarily what you expect.