Kulkarni Poverty Q1

The most effective means of poverty include funding a strong public education system from preschool through college, increasing the minimum wage, providing universal healthcare and offering many more housing assistance vouchers and mandating some forms of rent control. To lift individuals out of poverty, we need many of those tools, Read more…

Foo Poverty Q1

As communities and policymakers, we need to work together to transform all the influences to the communities well-being. It’s not just giving a job and housing, its changing the environment and opportunities for community members. Accessible transportation, jobs in local neighborhoods not where you have to take four different buses Read more…

Hernandez Poverty Q1

Each year, the Los Angeles County Business Federation, BizFed, a grassroots alliance of 180 business organizations representing 400,000 employers that employ 3.5 million Angelenos, conducts its “Pulse Poll,” meant to gauge the temperature of the business community and the issues affecting the industry. In the 2019 poll, BizFed members identified Read more…

Jordan Poverty Q1

One of the best ways to keep people out of poverty is to position them so they have every opportunity to succeed and achieve financial security and family stability. Folks need employment opportunities, housing opportunities and opportunities to better themselves by getting an education. But more than eight million Californians Read more…

Campbell Poverty Q1

Creating a regulatory, tax, and governmental environment that welcomes job-creation in California is the best way to keep Californians out of poverty. Yet, in large part responsive to understandably compassionate instincts, our government tends to go directly to wealth transfers, without realizing the importance of wealth creation.Without wealth creation in Read more…

Salas Poverty Q1

The most effective means of keeping people out of poverty begins with providing people with quality, government funded education pre school to colleges that prepares them for the workforce and opens up opportunities to economic opportunity. Prosperity comes from good paying jobs, supports for entrepreneurs and a robust safety net Read more…

Shelley Poverty Q1

Job opportunities will lift and keep people out of poverty. Education and training can help people develop and maintain skills to get the jobs they want and to achieve income growth and advancement. A steadily improving economy and a relatively competitive labor market will provide many different opportunities, enabling people Read more…

Buiza Poverty Q1

1) A cross-sectoral approach that looks at the nexus and connections between health care, including preventative care, housing, education, wage gaps and access to public transportation. 2) More public-private partnerships and a greater focus on regional disparities that addresses the unfair and inequitable distribution and access to resources in hard Read more…